Stories of the Wand

By Sanchit Gupta…

The year was 5679, Samira and her brother Surya were wearing their
headgear, playing video games. It was Samira’s first time playing these
games. She was terrified as the games were hyper-realistic, played in
multi-verse. Samira screamed, “I am scared!”. “What’s so scary, enjoy
the Game,” Replied Surya in excitement. Their mom Mrs. Malhotra
shouted, “Sira, Sun please be seated for dinner”,(She calls Samira, Sira
and Surya, Sun). “Yes mom coming”, said Sun. Both turned off their head
gears and moved towards hallway. As Surya was walking, he fell on the
wooden surface, Boom! Mrs. Malhotra asked, “what is it?”. “Nothing Mom”
said Surya. Then with a surprising voice, Samira said, “Look Surya there
is a wand”. “Wh-hat is it?” asked Surya. “A wand!” said Sira in a low voice.
Sun quickly but carefully picked up the wand and looked on with
excitement, it was a magical wand hidden somewhere in their new house.
It was beautiful having circular patterns. Both looked very Excited! They
thought with this wand they can do anything, change the Solar system,
travel in time and much more. They were dreaming, when Mrs. Malhotra
came upstairs in anger, “what is it! why are you not coming downstairs?”.
Both quickly hid the wand. Sun said, “nothing mom, I was just making my
bed”. “That’s good, you have learned to help yourself”, said Mom. “Let’s
go, I am hungry”, Said Samira. They quickly went to eat. Mrs. Malhotra
ordered food to Cheffy, the robotic chef. Within minutes Cheffy served the
yummy food. After dinner, when everyone slept, Surya was researching
the wand. He learned how to hold it and command. Next morning when
Samira was at the balcony, Surya said, “Samira look!”. “What’s it Surya?”
Samira replied yawning. “Come here, I will show you”. Samira moved

towards Surya. He commanded the wand to change his clothes and
Whoosh! it happened. Samira was surprised! “How it happened, tell me, I
will also do”. “That’s the magic!”, he said. Then Surya made another move,
now both were in another world. It was all black with glittering stars. They
were in astronaut’s suits. Sira said, “Wow! This is my first time in space”.
Another move by Surya, this time they were on Mars, It was all red. Then
they both went to their spaceship. Surya ordered Wand, “Change Our
clothes”, Whoosh! Now they were in traditional Indian clothes, hmm! both
looked beautiful. “O wand, let us go to year 1648”. A wormhole appeared,
both went into it to the 16th century. They were in time when Shah Jahan
was ruling India and Taj mahal was being built. The King’s men started
hunting them, treating both to be detectives. Surya now ordered wand to
dress them in 50th centuary Futuristic soldiers. Now they looked war
ready and people who were trying to hunt them, moved away in fear. Now
Samira Ordered Wand to take them to Mayans age. Now both landed into
town with beautiful temples, people wearing mystical masks, then both
saw their rituals. From There both quickly boarded spaceship, Surya said
“MISSION SAVE EARTH!”. Now their spaceship time travelled them to
21st century planet earth. They moved the wand to make the world plastic
free. Then all the non-recyclable plastic disappeared. They said, “No
pollution” and all the pollution disappeared. They said no poverty, disease
and enmity. The world became heaven. Everyone suddenly became
happy. The world returned to its golden age. Now they ordered Wand,
“Return to God”, it flew to The Heavens, Leaving Our Kiddos to live happily
ever after.

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